This set are mine. After having my little girl, I have skin problem. The doc said it was the hormone problem thingy. So sad tapi nak buat macam mana. That's one of the thing that mommies need to be strong after having baby...hormone lah, weight lah, hair loss lah etc etc.
Therefore I have been trying these and that. Nak suntik botox ke, vit C ke, tak berani la pulak. This is 1 of 9 products I have tried! (9 okeh...) after tried for 1 month no changes, so I stop using it.
Sayang nak I want to sell it for RM10 + RM5(for normal postage)
Set ini ada separuh lagi. Infact ada yang 3/4 lagi. It is for oily & acne skin. Call me if u need more details ok.